Thursday, August 02, 2007

OK, so it's been a while ...

I guess I just couldn't get enthusiastic about blogging into (probably) absolutely nowhere, but now that we're getting all community-minded where I work, that may change. The "blog" I have at work doesn't let me put links in the text, but this one does, so I'll probably post here and direct people from there. Maybe some people will actually pay attention to it. Maybe.

So I guess I should try updating this thing a bit more often. And in that spirit ...

I'll be out of town for the next 2 weeks, and probably won't have much time to blog. My wife and I are headed up to Canada, partly for sheer driving fun in Cape Breton, and partly to visit her family in the nearby vicinity.

I may be able to post some pics and stories from the road, but we'll have to see.

Maybe if I get a nice enough pic, I'll swap out my profile pic to show my new (to me) Miata, instead of the old blue one.